Brand-name Vivlodex™ and Generic MOBIC

Released: 04/28/2016   By: Christina Bond

Vivlodex™ is a low-dose nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) new option for people suffering from the degenerative joint condition, osteoarthritis (OA). Recently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this pain treatment contains SoluMatrix® meloxicam, which is a NSAID ingredient commonly found in other OA pain management options.
Currently, Vivlodex™ is available in 5mg and 10mg doses. Generic alternatives, such as MOBIC (Meloxicam) offer an affordable dose, between the aforementioned amounts (7.5mg) and a larger 15mg pain management treatment.
At this time, Carlisle Medical recommends that osteoarthritis pain be treated with available generic drugs within the NSAID class as first-line therapy for an effective treatment regimen.

Current Official Disability Guidelines (ODG) state, “there is no evidence to recommend one drug in this class (NSAIDs) over another based on efficacy… there appears to be no difference in terms of pain relief (between different NSAIDs).” Vivlodex™ is considered an “N” drug on the ODG formulary. Drugs listed as “N” drugs mean they are not preferred by the ODG organization to initially treat patients.